Business Office » Business Office

Business Office


Greetings to all and welcome to the online site for the Coahoma County School District Business Office.


The business office strategically seeks to align its operations with the plans and goals of the district.  In doing so, the business office prepares the budget for the district, manages the purchasing and travel for the district, manages the fixed assets, manages all revenues and expenditures, and prepares the monthly payroll.  In addition, the business office seeks to make sure the needs of the students, faculty and staff and other stakeholders are met in a timely and efficient manner.





Temeka Jones
Finance Director
[email protected] 
(662) 624-5448, ext. 1011


Yoland Hill
Accountant/16th Section Manager/Accounts Payable
[email protected] 
(662) 624-5448, ext. 1021


Kimberly Hearon
MSIS Coordinator
[email protected] 
(662) 624-5448, ext. 1042


Evangeline Tabor
Payroll Clerk
[email protected] 
(662) 624-5448, ext. 1022